
OCS of Manor

Would you like to help out with this event?

About the Ceremony

Be among the first to say "Thank You for Your Service" at our inaugural ceremony for future military service members and their families.

Serving in the military is an honor only 20% of the US population experience with less than 1% serving at any given moment - in defense of our Nation and its principles.

Military service is a non-traditional career that’s so unique it warrants several legislative benefits at the state and national legislative level both during and after service, for those that are eligible.

As a family-town, this collaborative hometown sendoff between City Hall, Manor ISD, Manor Chamber, Manor Police Department, Manor PTA, etc., will include a keynote and guest speakers, awards recognition, and more.

Register now to join us in recognizing the graduating seniors, their families and loved ones in showing gratitude for their willingness to serve and defend our rights as citizens.



Manor Senior High School

May 2, 2019

2:50 pm  Check-In

3:00 pm  Event Begins

  • Opening & Welcome by Dr. Scott Moger - USAF Veteran (Assistant Superintendent of Operations)
  • Presentation of the Colors by Manor Police Department
  • National Anthem by Ormide Armstrong - Boss Street Brass Band
  • Pledge of Allegiance by New Recruits
  • Invocation by Elder Larry Wallace Sr. (Vietnam-Era Veteran)
  • Guest Speaker Councilman Dr. Larry Wallace Jr. (USA Retired)
  • Keynote Speaker Major General (Retired) Tony Cucolo
  • Recognitions & Thank You by Mrs. Emily Hill (PTA VP)
  • Group Photo
  • Food & Fellowship

4:30 pm  Conclude


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